

Go dependencies are managed as Go modules. Dependencies are controlled by the go.mod file, and cryptographic hashes of the dependencies are stored in the go.sum file.

When building with Bazel, all external dependencies are managed as “remote repositories” defined in the WORKSPACE. In our WORKSPACE file, we load the file go_deps.bzl which lists all external dependencies (including transitive dependencies) with exact version and hash. This go_deps.bzl file is generated by gazelle from the go.mod file.

Workflow to modify dependencies

To add/remove or update dependencies:

  1. Modify go.mod, manually or using e.g. go get.

  2. make go_deps.bzl

  3. make licenses, to update the licenses with the new dependency

  4. make gazelle, to update the build files that depend on the newly added dependency


The Go rules for Bazel (rules_go) declares some internally used dependencies. These may silently shadow the dependency versions declared in go_deps.bzl.

To explicitly override such a dependency version, the corresponding go_repository rule can be moved from go_deps.bzl to the WORKSPACE file, before the call to go_rules_dependencies. Refer to the go_rules documentation on overriding dependencies.


The Python dependencies are listed in requirements.txt files. They are generated with Bazel from the corresponding files.

The Python dependencies are listed in tools/env/pip3/requirements.txt and tools/lint/python/requirements.txt. These files is generated from the corresponding by Bazel. Only direct dependencies need to be listed; the transitive dependencies are inferred. The exact command to update requirements.txt is described in a comment in the file’s header.