Router benchmark observations and predictive model

  • Author(s): Jean-Christophe Hugly

  • Last updated: 2024-04-22

  • Status: Active

  • Discussion at: #4408


For any hardware platform, given:

  • \(L\): the router benchmark packet length (in bytes)

  • coremark: The coremark benchmark result on the platform (dimensionless)

  • \(C\): The memmove benchmark result of the platform expressed (in bytes/s)

  • rate: The benchmark result of the router on the platform, using three cores (in pkts/s)

  • \(M\): an experimentally determined constant of value 400

  • \(I\): a dimensionless number reflecting the router code’s performance

At least for \(L\) = 172, the following relationship is true:

\[I ~= (1 / coremark + (M \times L / C)) \times rate\]


The benchmark was ran on three configurations, the br_transit test case produced the following data points:

  • An APU2 running openwrt:

    • 4 amd cores 1GHz

    • Coremark (per core) 3044

    • memmove benchmark 248 MiB/s (1.9 Gib/s)

    • line rate 70K pkts/s

    • Observed throughput: 45377

  • A lenovo laptop running the CI benchmark:

    • 10 i7 cores 4GHz

    • Coremark (per core) 29861

    • memmove benchmark 3928 MiB/s (31 Gib/s)

    • line rate 1.4M pkts/s (veth)

    • Observed throuhgput: 639764 pkts/s

  • Our CI system running the CI benchmark:

    • 4 xeon cores 3.5 GHz

    • Coremark (per core) 28659

    • memmove benchmark 8102 MiB/s (64 Gib/s)

    • line rate unobserved (veth, assumed similar to laptop)

    • Observed throuhgput: 736357 pkts/s

Important: all benchmarks have been run with only 3 cores assigned to the router. The cores are chosen by the benchmarking program to be of the same type (i.e. no mix of performance and energy-efficient cores). Hyperthreading is not used.

See “The problem with the influence of core count”.

Where might the time go

With a single core, the time processing a packet is presumed spend as follows…


  • let \(b\) = benchmark packet size (152)

  • let \(e\) = empty packet size (34)

  • let \(m\) = max packet size (1520)

  • let \(po\) = packet overhead time in seconds

  • let \(L\) = the length of a given packet [bytes]

  • let \(x(L)\) = packet-length dependent xmit time [s]

  • let \(t(L)\) = total packet transmission time for \(L\) [s]

  • let \(R\) = nominal wire rate in decoded [bit/s]

  • let \(X\) = line slowness [seconds/byte]

  • let \(bm(L)\) = total benchmark packet processing time (including transmission and pkt overhead) [s]

  • let \(ro\) = router overhead [time added by processing one packet in the router] [s]

  • let \(p(L)\) = packet-length dependent router processing time for \(L\) [s]

  • let \(r(L)\) = total processing time in router for \(L\) [s]

  • let \(C\) = nominal copy rate in [bit/s]

  • let \(Y\) = copy slowness [seconds/byte]


  • assume \(x(L) = X \times L\) [X is s/byte]

  • assume \(t(L) = po + x(L)\)

  • assume \(X = 8/R\)

  • po is unknown


  • assume \(p(L) = Y \times L\) [Y is s/byte]

  • assume \(r(L) = ro + p(L)\)

  • assume \(Y = 8/C\) [that is, the length-dependent processing time is ~copying the packet]

  • ro is unknown


  • assume \(bm(L) = MAX(r(L), t(L))\)

What can be inferred from observations



  • \(t(m) = 1s/70K\) (106 Mbyte/s, iperf3 with fast machine/nic – assuming full packets)

  • \(bm(b) = 1s/45377\) (benchmark run)

  • \(R = 1Gb/s\) (nominal NIC rate)

  • \(C = 1.9Gb/s\) (mmbm - Go memmove small packets)


  • \(po = t(L) - x(L) = t(m) - x(m) = 1/70K - X \times m = 1/70K - 1520 \times 8 / 1G\) \(= 0.000002126 s\)

  • \(t(b) = po + x(b) = po + X \times b = 0.000002126 + 172 \times 8 / 1G = 0.000003502 s\)

  • \(bm(b) = 0.000024 s\)

Since \(bm(b) > t(b)\), we can conclude that the router isn’t processing at line speed, so \(bm(b) = r(b)\). That is \(bm(b)\) reflects the router’s code performance.


  • \(r(b) = bm(b)\)

  • \(ro = r(b) - p(b)\)

  • \(ro = bm(b) - Y \times b = 1s / 45377 - 8 \times 172 / 1.9G = 0.00002131 s\)

Laptop local test


  • \(t(m) = 1s/1.4M\) (iperf3 on non-loopback ethernet interface)

  • \(bm(b) = 1s/639764\) (benchmark run)

  • \(R = 17Gb/s\) (same iperf3 run as t(m). Assuming po is neglictible)

  • \(C = 31Gb/s\) (mmbm - Go memmove small packets)


  • \(po = t(L) - x(L) = t(m) - x(m) = 1/1.4M - X \times m = 1/1.4M - 1520 \times 8 / 17G\) \(~= 0\) (expected since we neglected po to derive R)

  • \(t(b) = po + x(b) = 0 + X \times b = 172 \times 8 / 17G = 0.00000008 s\)

  • \(bm(b) = 0.000001563\)

Since \(bm(b) > t(b)\) we can conclude that the router isn’t processing at line speed, so \(bm(b) = r(b)\). That is \(bm(b)\) reflects the router’s code performance.


  • \(r(b) = bm(b)\)

  • \(ro = r(b) - p(b)\)

  • \(ro = bm(b) - Y \times b = 1s/639764 - 8 \times 172 / 31G = 0.000001519 s\)

Assumption of less-than-line-rate

The case where the line rate is low enough to be the bottleneck isn’t very interresting. Because it is so clearly not the case with the hardware available to us, we will consider only the case where the wire is faster than the router.

Tentative predictive model

Initial assumptions


  • let \(pbm(L)\) = predicted benchmark processing time for length \(L\)

  • let \(pt(L)\) = predicted total transmission time for length \(L\)

  • let \(pp(L)\) = predicted lenght-dependent processing time for \(L\)

  • let \(pro\) = predicted router per-packet overhead

  • let \(N\) = The number of cores devote to packet processing

  • let \(I\) = The router’s code performance index; a measure of the code’s efficiency

We assume that the length-independent time spent processing is inverse proportional to:

  • coremark

  • \(N\)

  • \(I\)

In all likelyness each packet is processed by one core, but we do not known that for sure. So, for now, we’re assuming that N packets are going to be processed by N cores as fast as 1 packet by one core (the difference, if any, would be an effect of the code’s quality and so reflected by the performance index. So, the statistical processing time per packet is 1/N that of single core processing.

We assume that the length-dependent time processing the packet is proportional to:

  • The length of the packet

…and inverse proportional to:

  • \(I\) (in this case, reflecting how little copying is done)

  • \(C\), The memcpy rate.


From our assumptions, (and single I simplification) we have:

  • \(pro = 1 / (I \times coremark)\)

  • \(pp(L) = 8 \times L / (I \times C)\)

  • \(pbm(L) = pro + pp(L)\) \(= 1 / (I \times coremark) + 8 \times L / (I \times C)\) \(= (1 / I) \times (1 / coremark) + (8 \times L / C))\)

  • \(I = (1 / coremark + (8 \times L / C)) / pbm(L)\)

Since we ran the same router on both benchmarking platform, we should be able to infer the same I from the benchmark result and hadrware characteristics. (or, at least, close).

If so, that’s our platform independent performance index. That is, given a benchmark on any platform, with known C and coremark, we can find this number and use it to predict the performance of the same code on any other platform with known C and coremark.

The influence of caches and TLBs

Efforts to improve the precision of the mmbm benchmark (which attempts to measure \(C\) showed that trying to model the behavior of caches and TLBs is extremely challenging. For example:

  • The cache and TLB benefits do not disappear as the working set exceeds the cache/TLB size. Nor are those benefits fully realized while the working set remains within the cache size. The precise behavior varies by CPU model.

  • Page table walks polute the cache for some CPU models, but others have a hidden cache exclusiveley for page table entries.

  • Copying many 1 byte packets within a 128 pages arena takes consistently more time than within an 8192 pages arena in at least one CPU model. The reason for this remains a mystery.

Multiway associative caches, combined with mostly secret replacement policies, undocumented caches, and intractable activity by the OS and the Go runtime make it extremely challenging to predict how a given workload (even a synthetic one) will perform on a given CPU. So far, this has not been achieved.

As a distant second best, the mmbm benchmark only measures the copy speed in a handful of cases. For the purpose of modeling we use one case that is modeled after what the reference router does under benchmark. It is expected to cause non-temporal TLB access but a 100% hit rate on the L2 data cache, but that is not reflected reliably in the router’s benchmark results.

By relying on these simple macroscopic metric and by tuning empirical parameters, we may be able to better approximate a cross-hardware router performance index. To that end we need to find or tune two additional parameters M and N such that:

\(I = (1 / coremark + M * (8 \times L / C) + N) / pbm(L)\)

M represents the proportion in wich memory performance and arithmetic performance contribute to throughput. Such a ratio needs to exist for a translatable performance index.

N represents a fixed hardware-dependent per-packet cost that, judging by the above results the model has failed to anticipate. We could speculate that this cost is related to interacting with network interfaces. If that is the case, a measure of it needs to be incorporated in our suite of microbenchmarks.

Given a known N for three different systems, we could probably infer M. However, N is a property of each platform. It has to be measured.

Inferred router performance index

The performance index has to be such that pbm(L) is equal to bm(L) as observed in at least two experiments. Note that only one type of forwarding is looked at - br_transit. Routers might have different performance indices for different packet types (although only small variations are expected).

If we ignore M and N for now, (i.e. M = 1, N = 0), we have the following:


  • \(coremark = 3044\)

  • \(C = 1.9Gb/s\)

  • \(L = 172\)

  • \(pbm(L) = 1s/45377\)

  • \(I = (1 / coremark + (8 \times L / C)) / pbm(L)\) \(= (1 / 3044 + (8 \times 172 / 1.9G)) \times 45377\) \(~= 14.93\)


  • \(coremark = 29851\)

  • \(C = 31Gb/s\)

  • \(L = 172\)

  • \(pbm(L) = 1s/639764\)

  • \(I = (1 / coremark + (8 \times L / C)) / pbm(L)\) \(= (1 / 29851 + (8 \times 172 / 31G)) \times 639864\) \(~= 21.46\)

CI system

  • \(coremark = 28659\)

  • \(C = 64Gb/s\)

  • \(L = 172\)

  • \(pbm(L) = 1s/736357\)

  • \(I = (1 / coremark + (8 \times L / C)) / pbm(L)\) \(= (1 / 28659 + (8 \times 172 / 64G)) \times 736357\) \(~= 25.7\)

…Not close.

The CI system has a coremark similar to that of the laptop but much faster memory copy. So memory copy may have a greater influence than coremark. In other words, the hypothetical M value (see the previous section) is much greater than 1. For example, assuming N=0, a value of 400 for M yields performance indices of 28, 33 and 32 for APU2, the laptop, and the CI system, respectively. So, tuning is at least possible. This is purely speculative, though. We do not know if N can be neglected.

Application to router improvement

Some of the lessons learned during the benchmarking effort:

  • The router performance is probably dominated by TLB misses.

  • The router keeps 9K buffers, which makes 3/4 of all buffers missaligned. That extra 1k is paid with an extra TLB miss.

  • Small packets are dispersed over large buffers. Each small packet requires at least one page access.

  • At steady state, all buffers are eventually occupied, therefore we cycle through the whole set. Since that set is much larger than the cache, we loose all temporal locality: all packets get evicted from the cache, possibly more than once, during processing.